(160 avis)
L'Argentine évoque des images d'immenses plaines désolées encadrées par des montagnes imposantes et majestueuses, avec des champs d'herbe plate et des villes romantiques qui parsèment le paysage. Les Andes et la Patagonie sont deux des merveilles naturelles les plus impressionnantes de la planète, Buenos Aires étant l'une des grandes villes du monde. Faire de l'alpinisme sur les célèbres montagnes de ce pays est une expérience incroyablement spéciale, car le large éventail de paysages et l'échelle épique du paysage sont à couper le souffle. Faites votre choix parmi notre sélection de programmes d'escalade en Argentine, et préparez-vous à tomber amoureux de ce lieu exquis !
"Easy booking for a perfect adventure!"
Lire ce que les autres disent
Que dois-je savoir sur Ascensions à Argentine ?
L'Argentine est un pays très vaste, qui abrite tous les types de climats et de paysages possibles et imaginables. Chaque région a sa propre culture, alors essayez d'en apprendre plus sur chacune d'entre elles pour découvrir la diversité de ce pays.
L'escalade de certaines montagnes peut être extrêmement difficile, alors assurez-vous d'avoir une bonne condition physique avant de vous lancer.
Why should I choose Argentine for my Ascensions adventure?
Le paysage
Les paysages de l'Argentine sont absolument époustouflants, avec de vastes étendues de champs et de pampas laissant place à des lacs massifs, des montagnes gigantesques et des formations rocheuses arides. La Patagonie, en particulier, a été une source de fascination pendant des siècles, avec son terrain d'un autre monde et son vide absolu, créant un territoire unique au bout du monde.
La culture
La culture de l'Argentine est fortement façonnée par son histoire riche en immigrants, avec des influences coloniales espagnoles et italiennes toujours présentes. La viande rouge, le vin, le tango et l'art magnifique ne sont que quelques-uns des délices culturels à déguster, avec des soirées tardives et une ambiance amusante qui imprègne le pays.
Les villes
L'Argentine abrite des villes fantastiques, dont Buenos Aires, mondialement connue, agitée et enivrante, est un exemple évident. D'autres villes comme Mendoza, Cordoba, Rosario et Salta ont chacune une culture, des coutumes et des traditions uniques et distinctes, avec des histoires intéressantes et une architecture somptueuse.
Des étés chauds et des hivers doux dans la majeure partie du pays, la Patagonie étant très froide la majeure partie de l'année.
Quelle est la langue la plus parlée dans le Argentine ?
Quelle est la monnaie acceptée dans Argentine ?
Peso argentin
Comment s'y rendre
Vols à destination de Buenos Aires à partir de la plupart des hubs d'Amérique du Sud/Centrale/Nord, et de nombreux autres d'Europe.
Quel est l'indicatif de Argentine ?
Meilleur moment pour visiter
D'octobre à mars, lorsque le temps est le plus chaud et les conditions les plus sèches.
This review was for a guide (Gaston Lopez) sent by Hernan. This was the worst guiding I've experienced on any trip taken over the last 8 years on over a dozen trips around the world. Numerous issues that you would not expect from a guide who's been certified for 12+ years. The most significant being: suggested I could wear normal hiking boots on a 6016 meter mountain (Nevado San Francisco) when I've always worn doubles on 6000 and even on cold 5000 meter mountains. An inexperienced person could have had foot issues/frost bite as it was cold the day we summited. Not knowing the route on Ojos - he suggested we try for the summit at 13:30 after moving from Arenal to the higher camp, but couldn't provide an answer when I asked what the average time was for people to summit when leaving from the high camp. We eventually had to turn around from this summit attempt because he seriously misjudged the timing and lost the route during our ascent. After this failed attempt, he said we'd make another attempt the following morning and that it would take maybe 7 hours up and 5 hours down, meaning we'd need to leave by 8:00 at the absolute latest to make it back before dark. The next morning he was still sleeping at 7:00, and hadn't mentioned anything about departure time the night before, so I left before him and led myself up to the plateau before he caught up and we went the rest of the way together. By this point I had lost all confidence in his guiding ability, advice, and planning, so I made the decision to leave on my own for the summit because I knew he wasn't leaving me enough time by sleeping in. Other issues: every time this guide verbalized the itinerary, it was different (he was clearly very disorganized and lacked basic planning skills); this was the worst and cheapest food I've experienced on any trip. Example: after an 11-hour summit day, we had canned lentils, canned vegetables, rice, tuna, and tomatoes mixed together for dinner vs. other teams that ate grilled meat, stir fry, hamburgers, tacos, etc. There was also inadequate/low quality breakfast of cookies and cereal only, as opposed to other teams eating eggs, toast with jam & peanut butter, bread/chapati, etc.; of all the guided teams at Las Grutas, we didn't have paperwork for the car to get past the gendarmie post so we had to get a ride from someone else to Nevado (shows poor planning and logistics); pacing was not great and he was so far ahead of me most of the time that he had no idea what my pace was, not to mention this is a dangerous practice in terms of keeping an eye on your client; guide had no hand sanitizer and didn't wash hands when preparing food; guide incorrectly told me I was developing HAPE because of a cough I tend to get at altitude but my oxsat was 83% and resting heart rate was ~95 bpm at 5500 meters.
My rating for the winter ascent of Lanin volcano is 10/10 in every possible aspect. Luis organized perfectly well the whole ascent and assembled a great team of guides (Ramiro, Gabriel and Jonathan) who came with him to the mountain. The day before we met in San Martin to check the equipment, and on day one after the hike up to the refuge, we went over the techniques and gear needed for the summit day (self-arrest, avalanche safety equipment, etc.). Summit day is demanding, but exceptional! The views from the summit include Villarica, Llaima and Copahue volcanoes to the north, and Tronador, Puntiagudo and Osorno to the south. Booking through Explore-Share was very smooth and easy, the customer service is the best!
Mojon Rojo was my second climb with Merlin (I climbed Cerro Electrico with him 2 days earlier.) But it was like climbing with your old friend. I had an amazing time climbing with him. His climbing skills and knowledge are top notch. I can’t wait to climb more peaks in Patagonia with him.
Our day trip up Cerro Madsen was amazing! There was a chance of rain in the afternoon of our trip so Merlin and team made accommodations for us to leave early in the morning to try to beat the storm and we were so happy they did. We were able to beat the rain by hiking in the morning and made the ascent up to the top of Cerro Madsen. Our guide was superb at understanding our skill level and pushing us accordingly! I would highly suggest using Mountaineering Patagonia. They are professional, provide you with some of the gear needed, and make sure you have a safe trip. Thanks Merlin!
Restez au courant des meilleures aventures!