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Climbing Mount Vinson (4,892m), Expedition from Punta Arenas, Chile to the highest peak in Antarctica


Come with the IFMGA-certified guides of Mountain Madness to the most southerly of the Seven Summits and climb the Vinson Massif, the highest peak in Antarctica, on an expedition from Punta Arenas into the unique wilderness of a seldom seen environment.


21 Days

Jan, Dec




* Reach the top of an elusive peak of the Seven Summits.

* Enjoy the thrill of mountaineering in challenging and exotic terrain.

* Learn valuable insight and techniques from certified guides and experts.

* Join an exclusive group of climbers who have taken on Antarctica.


Rise to the highest point of Antarctica (16,050 feet) and conquer one of the most elusive Seven Summits! This guided mountaineering program into one of the most intriguing and rewarding locations on Earth gives you the rare chance to practice your climbing and expedition skills while exploring parts of the world that are rarely seen!

Antarctica is steeped in mystery. Located at the southernmost reaches of the planet, it is a continent covered in ice. It is considered the world’s coldest desert – even though it consistently boasts sub-zero temperatures, even in the six-month daylight period, it receives very little snow. It is notably mountainous, reaching its high point on Vinson of the Sentinel Range of the Ellsworth Mountains.

This is where you come in! With careful planning and our experienced and qualified guiding team, you will see the isolated beauty of this remarkable continent on a safe, satisfying, and memorably fun journey to the top of Antarctica!

Beginning with a quick stop in Punta Arenas, Chile, to cover gear check and last minute preparations, you will head onto the incredible southern continent. You will set up a number of camps on and near glaciers, putting your mettle to the test in severe conditions. The weather is best during December and January, but you can still expect volatile conditions during constant daylight. Please note that this trip can only be done in the dates listed below. 

We will be in the midst of Antarctica’s expansive beauty. There is generally less than 18 inches of snow during austral summer, so the temperature and strong winds are our biggest challenges. Our final push to the summit includes rewarding mixed climbing, with unforgettable vistas of icy wilderness and mountains. You will even have the chance to see the incredible Tierra del Fuego as you fly in and out of Punta Arenas.

There are opportunities for a bit of technical climbing, but the most important aspects of your experience will be roped glacier travel and cold weather camping. High mountain experience is also recommended. It is considered comparable to the West Buttress of Denali, but its isolation and extreme weather make it a serious undertaking that warrants your utmost respect.

Appropriate planning, both physical and mental, is vital for your success and enjoyment. You should be physically fit and mentally prepared for the sustained excursion. You should also carefully plan travel accommodations as the itinerary to and from Antarctica is always subject to change.

Book this once-in-a-lifetime trip to Antarctica NOW and relish a Vinson expedition from Punta Arenas to scale the tallest mountain on this gorgeous and isolated continent!

Price includes

- Guiding fee

Price details

Price includes:


Air­fare from Pun­ta Are­nas to Union Glac­i­er and to Base Camp

Wel­come din­ner in Pun­ta Arenas

All meals while in Antarctica

All team climb­ing gear, tents, cook­ing gear and sleds

All expe­di­tion sup­port staff

Price does not include:

Inter­na­tion­al airfare

Chili entry visa and air­port fees

Meals and lodg­ing while in Pun­ta Arenas

Per­son­al climb­ing gear and clothing

Per­son­al expens­es (phone calls, laun­dry, room ser­vice, extra hotel nights, extra meals, etc.)

Trav­el insur­ance with trip can­cel­la­tion, med­ical and evac­u­a­tion policy

All expens­es asso­ci­at­ed with non-sched­uled departure

Alco­holic and bot­tled beverages

Addi­tion­al costs incurred due to cir­cum­stances beyond the con­trol of Moun­tain Madness

Guide gra­tu­ities


Day 1 to 2: Arrival

We will get into Punta Arenas, Chile.

Day 3 to 4: Orientation

Make final prepa­ra­tions, includ­ing equip­ment check with MM guides. Ori­en­ta­tion with ALE, for the flight to Union Glac­i­er We will also have time to explore the inter­est­ing port city of Pun­ta Are­nas. Hotel overnight.

Day 5 to 6: Camp I

Ele­va­tion: 7,000 ft / 2134 m. Weath­er per­mit­ting, we make the 4.5 hour flight to Union Glac­i­er and con­tin­ue to base camp locat­ed on the Branscomb Glac­i­er. The flight from Union Glac­i­er to base camp will be on a Twin Otter. Once at base camp we orga­nize our camp and pre­pare for our ascent.

Day 7: Carry to Camp 1

Ele­va­tion: 9,600 ft / 2920 m. Our first day on the trail, we leave sup­plies at a major bend in the glac­i­er, at 9,600 feet / 2920 meters. Return to base camp.

Day 8: Move to Camp 1

Ele­va­tion: 9,600 ft / 2920 m. We set-up camp and begin prepa­ra­tions for mov­ing up the moun­tain when the team is ready and weath­er con­di­tions are good.

Day 9: Camp 2

Ele­va­tion: 12,400 ft / 3780 m. From camp we move up the steep head­wall that ris­es above camp uti­liz­ing fixed lines. Mod­er­ate slopes lead to the broad col between Vin­son and Mount Shinn where we drop a load of gear at 12,400 feet / 3780 meters and then return to Camp 1. Due to the thin­ning of the atmos­phere at Polar Regions, the ele­va­tion here will feel high­er and may result in some moun­tain sick­ness among team members.

Day 10 to 14: Rest Day, Move to High Camp, Summit Day

Ele­va­tion: 16,077 ft / 4898 m. From high camp we tra­verse about 3 miles and gain about 3,600 feet / 1100 meters on our way to the sum­mit. From the sum­mit we are greet­ed with out­stand­ing views of the Ellsworth Range, the Ronne Ice Shelf and the vast hori­zons of the icy con­ti­nent. We spend the night again at high camp. There are four reserve days built into the itin­er­ary in the event of bad weath­er or a rest is needed.

Day 15 to 16: Base Camp

Return to base camp. Fly to Union Glac­i­er. Reserve day.

Day 17: Punta Arenas

Weath­er per­mit­ting, return to Pun­ta Arenas.

Day 18 to 21: Fly Home

Depart Pun­ta Are­nas and fly home. Days 18 – 21 are reserve days.



More info

We have a cuisine of local and regional fare that is at times supplemented with items brought from the US. Please let us know if you have any allergies or dietary restrictions. A cook will ensure we have pleasant meals and dining times throughout our journey in Antarctica. We recommend working with a full-service travel agency to coordinate last-minute flights from Antarctica and commercial flights you book from Punta Arenas and Chile. It is necessary to have a flexible time frame for travel – take this into account when planning your itinerary. You will be unable to change your ticket and reservations while in Antarctica, so you may run the risk of severe financial penalties and the loss of your ticket. LAN Chile is the only major airline that flies to Punta Arenas, and booking through them can ease some of the difficulties (they are the only airline to have an office in Punta Arenas). Please do not hesitate to contact us with more information – properly planning, booking, and timing your flights is very important. An equipment list will be sent to you upon booking, but you should be aware of conditional dangers in Antarctica such as dehydration, sunburn, snowblindness, frostbite, and altitude sickness.

Meeting point

We generally meet in Punta Arenas, Chile. Contact us upon booking to confirm our meeting location.

Equipment you will need to bring

Carrying Gear Sleeping Gear Climbing Gear


What are some recommended accommodations near our adventure location?

We understand that finding the perfect place to stay is an essential part of your adventure experience. To help you with this, we’ve curated a list of three highly recommended hotels that offer comfort, convenience, and a touch of local charm. These accommodations are well-suited for adventurers looking to relax and rejuvenate after an exciting day of exploration
Hotel Rey Don Felipe Punta Arenas Chile
See rooms
Hotel Dreams del Estrecho Punta Arenas Chile
See rooms
Hotel Cabo de Hornos Punta Arenas Chile
See rooms

About the guide

Guide profile image


Mountain Guide

For over 35 years, Mountain Madness has been bringing profound outdoor experiences to trekkers and mountaineers across the globe. We have built a strong foundation of skills and expertise, fueling our passion to impart our wisdom onto other like-minded explorers. Cultivating an enthusiasm for the
outdoors while helping you enjoy the journey and achieve your goals is a dream come true.

Our mission is to provide the best experience possible and to instill a passion for adventure. We value cultural exchange, take pride in facing physical and mental challenges head on, and strive to development wilderness skills that encourage self-discovery without compromising our environment.

Climbing, trekking, and skiing worldwide allows Mountain Madness to guide internationally. Our success and determination have given us worldwide acclaim and reignited our hunger – from Rainier and Baker to Kilimanjaro and Everest, no adventure is too big or too small.

Our guides have extensive training and are AMGA and/or IFMGA-certified guides. We enjoy assisting in all aspects of your trip, from the first conversation to the last goodbye. The collection of activities are endless, with alpinists, trekkers, explorers, mountaineers, and ski tourers on our team. To assist first time explorers and grizzled veterans in finding hidden, everyday wonder is our pleasure.



What people are saying about Explore-Share



I’m extremely happy with the ease with which I could book via your site reliable and experienced guide. Thank you so very much, and I’ve started to recommend your site to my friends. Dimitris is not only an awesome guide, but a wonderful person who was always looking out to give me the best experience I can have when he found out how much I love climbing! He is the Best!



I am very pleased with Explore-Share! This was my first international climb, and the communication and response time were great. Herbie is a very skilled guide and very efficient. The entire booking process & payment was smooth. I will definitely use Explore-Share again. Thank you.



I was looking for a local guide for a hike I was planning and came across Explore-Share. They seemed to have good reviews and so decided to give them a try. The experience was very positive and completely happy with their service. I will be using them again for next trip.



Easy to set up and find the perfect trip. Informative site that is easy to use. Guides are all great to work with and communicate all arrangements needed. As simple as can be!



Thank you explore-share for a wonderful via feratta experience. We have been wanting to learn for a long time but don't have the facilities in Scotland. The guide Mitja was extremely helpful and knowledgeable, answering all my many questions and providing advice. On the day head to take another group but he quickly arranged another guide Borut, who was brilliant. We had a fantastic morning learning via ferrata at Hvadnik in the gorge. It gave us the confidence to later hire our own equipment and go out in Mojstrana. Altogether a five star + experience. Thank you.


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