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Ascenso Guiado a Pollux por la arista SW, cerca de Zermatt | undefined

Ascenso Guiado a Pollux por la arista SW, cerca de Zermatt

Sigue al guía certificado Herbert en este ascenso guiado de 1 día en Pollux por la arista SW, cerca de Zermatt y conquista uno de los cumbres gemelos de 4,000 metros de los Alpes Peninos.






1 Día


Todo el año






Tarjeta de crédito, transferencia bancaria y más

  • Logra una de las cumbres clásicas de Suiza.
  • Lleva tus habilidades de montañismo al siguiente nivel bajo guía experta.
  • Párate en la cumbre de un 4-mil y admira las vistas de los Alpes Peninos.


Te invito a escalar la cumbre de Pollux por la arista SW (4,092 m) cerca del encantador pueblo de Zermatt. ¿Estás listo para esta aventura de montañismo de 1 día en Suiza?

Ubicado en la frontera entre Suiza e Italia, Castor y Pollux- arista SW son conocidos como los picos gemelos del macizo de Monte Rosa en los Alpes Peninos.

Comenzaremos ascendiendo desde el Klein o 'pequeño' Matterhorn (3,883 metros). Desde aquí alcanzaremos la cima de Pollux- arista SW escalando a través de una hermosa área y rodeados por las vistas más espectaculares de los Alpes Peninos, esto será una gran manera para que los participantes mejoren sus habilidades de montañismo.

Para participar en este programa, todos los escaladores necesitarán tener alguna experiencia previa en montañismo así como un gran nivel de condición física. Por supuesto, estaré allí en cada paso del camino para asegurarme de que alcancen la cumbre de esta hermosa montaña en las mejores condiciones posibles.

¿Listo para este ascenso guiado de 1 día en Pollux por la arista SW? Entonces envía tu solicitud ahora y prepárate para esta experiencia mágica en Suiza.

Si buscas escalar ambas cumbres de 'los gemelos', también puedes unirte a mí en esta ascensión guiada de 1 día a Castor cerca de Zermatt en los Alpes Peninos

El precio incluye

- Tarifa de guía

- Cuerda del grupo

- Mosquetones rápidos del grupo

Asegura tu lugar con solo el 25% de pago

Cancelación gratuita en 48 horas con reserva anticipada de 30 días


Más información

Equipo Obligatorio

Mochila de 30 litros – Botas de montañismo* – Arnés de asiento de escalada* – Crampones con puntas delanteras, de acero, ajustados* – Piolet* – Linterna frontal, con batería de repuesto (no para LED)* – Pantalones de montañismo / peto – Chaqueta impermeable / transpirable con capucha – Chaqueta de lana o jersey – Guantes – Ropa interior térmica – Camisa – Calcetines – Gorro cálido – Gorro para el sol – Gafas de sol con protección lateral – Protector solar factor >25 – Bálsamo labial factor >15 – Cantimplora o botella de agua, alrededor de 1 Litro, no bolsa de camello – Picnic para cada día de travesía – Medicación personal – Euros y francos suizos – Id o pasaporte.

Bueno tener Casco* – Mitones – Tarjeta de miembro del club alpino – Palo de telescopio* – Compeed, segunda piel, cinta deportiva – Tapones para los oídos de espuma – pastillas para dormir (no fuertes) – Calcetines de repuesto – Camisa de repuesto – Ropa interior de repuesto – Navaja de bolsillo – Cámara (pequeña y ligera) – Cepillo de dientes y pasta – Papel higiénico – Tarjeta de seguro – Tarjeta de crédito – Sábana saco (algodón o seda) – Tarjeta de reducción para entradas.

Los artículos con un * pueden ser alquilados.

Punto de encuentro

Arista SW cerca de Zermatt

Sobre el guía: -Herbert

Guide profile image




Guía de Montaña

I am a nature lover who made his hobbies and passion into his profession. I possess only international recognized qualifications. As I am active in the mountains the whole year round my goal is to complement the programmes of the local organizations. My desire is to share with you my joy on the mountains, my knowledge, my experience and to make your stay in Zermatt to an unforgettable experience.

In the following pages you will find a few suggestions and ideas for your holiday in Zermatt. If my ideas or suggestions do not meet your demands, please do not hesitate to let me know what you would like to do and I will create your own personal programme. I am not only active in Zermatt but also everywhere where outdoor activities can be done. It would be a pleasure to accompany you safely and competently in the mountains.


Alemán | Francés | Inglés

Solicitar más información

Lo que la gente dice sobre -Herbert



Herbie was rude and did not honor nor address our request to ski some moguls or any semi off piste runs even between the groomed runs. He skied so fast that he lost us at the beginning and then yelled at us for not keeping up. His communication skills were poor. We realized that snow conditions and temperature was such that there may not have been any moguls but I feel a paying customer should never be yelled at. I would not recommend this booking or Herbie to anyone. 15 minutes into the experience, we thought about dismissing him because he was so unpleasant. He did do a good job booking a restaurant for lunch at the border. There was zero ski instruction. A little advance warning prior to the booking would haven been better. Respectfully, Tommy Yen



Great guy with alot of experiance . Learnt alot from him. Would definaltey recommend . And i will 100% be using him again. Thank you herbert and hope to see you again soon . Take care . Wayne



We were group of 3 with Herbert to the Monte Rosa drop off location. Our group has done lots of heli-skiing, cat skiing, and hiked routes. What we look for in guides is 1) safety 2) matching route to technical ability 3) advice in complex sections 4) having a personality and making the day fun. On safety: Herbert did a good safety briefing and told us where to position ourselves relative to his tracks, that was the extent of his safety. One of our group members fell part-way into a crevasse and was dangling on the ice wall, and he leisurely pulled out his rope to throw it down even after being told there was a very far drop. He routinely skiied out-of-sight of the entire group even in more dangerous sections. If someone had fallen through again, there was no rescuing them as he was the only one with the safety gear. On matching the route the technical ability of the group he did fine, the only part that was an issue was the very long flat ski out (he warned us about this, so we knew it ahead of time, I wouldn't do this route again because of this). On advice/tips for complex routes, he had nothing to offer, and was annoyed when you asked him questions, the only thing he said was "lean forward on your skiis", and didn't try to help anyone who had challenges. On the last part, personality, this was the worst. He was extremely annoyed that he had to help the person out of the crevasse, and even more annoyed that a snowboarder in our group was slower in the flat section. He complained to other ski guides that passed by that he was late for his lunch. When we stopped to break and took pictures he asked us to stop wasting time with taking our phones out. When we asked him if we should bring water (for a 5 hour ski) he said it's no necessary, which was crazy. Overall, it really put a damper on the entire experience, we spent a lot of money and came from Canada to experience this, and he nearly ruined it. He's a really good technical skiier, but has no patience nor does he put an ounce of effort in to making it fun or making people feel safe.



Great trip. Herby i very very detailed and showed me a lot on my first outdoor climbing adventure



Le guide n'a pas pris le temps de donner des explications, ne nous a quasiment rien expliqué. Il semblait plus lui importer de faire la courses avec les autres cordées que de nous prendre en charge correctement. Il s'est énervé à la moindre difficulté rencontrée, se montrant grossier et très peu professionnel. N'a donné que des indications très vagues, s'est montré brutal dans les manipulations. Un honte.

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