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Backcountry Skiing in Finnmark: Top Outdoor Adventures Awaiting You


(19 reviews)

Go to the northern and easternmost tip of Norway, right where your feet touch the Barents Sea. In Finnmark, there is always a once-in-a-lifetime Arctic adventure waiting for you.

In this Norwegian region, you will ski directly from the mountains to the ocean, which is invaded by deep fjords. Almost half of the place is above the tree line, so there are many unexplored corners to be discovered by curious rides. Find your perfect backcountry skiing trip and the local guide that will accompany you in this arctic crazyness!

Top backcountry skiing trips | Finnmark

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FAQs: Backcountry Skiing in Finnmark

Why should I choose Finnmark for my Backcountry Skiing adventure?

Natural phenomena

Finnmark and Norway are ideal for the observation of Northern Lights between September and April, or the curious midnight sun from June to August. This phenomenon makes the sun never hide on the horizon. Although there are clouds, it is visible both day and night. Visiting northern Norway in summer is a really unique experience.


It is one of the most important cities in the country. Because of its large surface, many things can be done here, such as visiting the Northern Lights Museum or its amazing cathedral. In Alta, you can also practice all kinds of winter sports: snowshoeing, splitboarding or traditional skiing.

Sami culture

The Sami are a community in northern Norway, Sweden, Finland and the province of Kola, in Russia. These tribes have been inhabited the Scandinavian area for hundreds of years and lived on fishing and hunting. Today we can learn from their customs in Kautokeino, 5 hours from Vadsø (the capital of Finnmark), where there is still a large Sami community.

How can I get to Finnmark?

You have to go to Oslo and from there fly to the Alta airport. Although it is very small, it has some car rental companies, which are essential to explore Finnmark. The cars are also well-prepared for the snow seasons.

When is the best time to travel to Finnmark for Backcountry Skiing?

March is the best time to go to Finnmark so you take advantage of the snowfall at the ski resorts. June, July and August are also good months in terms of temperature and amount of daylight hours.

Which language is predominantly spoken in the Finnmark region?

The official languages of Norway are: Norwegian, Bokmål, Nynorsk and Northern Sami.

What currency is accepted around Finnmark?

The Norwegian crown

What people are saying about Backcountry Skiing | Finnmark


I had the best time skiing with Fred and a really great group of French ski tracking afficionados in Norway this week. It was my first time climbing up an average 800-1000m of mountain every day - VOW!!! Not always easy for a newcomer but thanks to the exceptional care of Fred and the encouragement of Oscar, who ended up as my personal trainer/guide, I did it - even with one ski slipping off at the peak one day!!! The landscape in Northern Norway is exceptional, out of our 7 days 6 were totally sunny, there was still plenty of snow, the contrast of the white mountains, the deep blue-turquoise fjords, kajaking along them and feeling like diving into them when coming down the peaks - all totally unique. A DEFINITE MUST GO for anybody who hasnt!!!


Ce voyage est l'occasion de vivre une expérience unique entre copains, qui soude et crée des souvenirs à vie. Les activités, que ce soit la randonnée, le ski, le kayak ou les chiens de traîneaux, sont si prenantes que l'exaltation générale en résulte souvent. Les petits moments de pause sur un sommet ou sur le bord d'un fjord, ou les longues papotes pendant les ascensions sont des moments privilégiés entre amis. La montagne demande aussi d'être attentifs les uns aux autres, et même parfois de s'entraider. La beauté des paysages est telle que l'on s'émerveille à chaque moment, à chaque virage. On est entourés à 360 degrés de montagnes couvertes de neige et de fjords d'un bleu profond, à l'infini. Cela procure un sentiment de bout du monde car on ne croise pas grand monde sur son chemin, les petits villages de pêcheurs semblent s'être arrêtés et l'on aperçoit parfois l'océan qui mène au pôle nord. La beauté de ces panoramas inspire à la réflexion qu'on peut laisser foisonner en gravissant les sommets. Une expérience hors du temps et de nos réalités quotidiennes. Le ski est de grande qualité, et il y en a pour tous les goûts et tous les niveaux: petits couloirs étroits aux sommets, longues pentes de poudreuse, ski à travers les arbres. Le programme peut convenir à tous car il est modulable. Les journées sont longues et on a donc l'occasion de prévoir une dernière petite ascension pour les plus motivés. J'ai eu un sentiment de sécurité très élevé pendant le séjour grâce à la qualité du guide, Fred. L'exposition aux avalanches est faible.


I gave Fred one star because I booked him but never got the chance to ski with him. He booked 2 groups simultaneously and I was in the 'wrong' group. Also after 3 days he left the 'other' group to spend time with his family. Bottom line, if you book Fred, you have no idea if you'll actually get Fred. On the logistics side Fred is useless. E.g. although he would supply groceries, we ended up doing them ourselves and although he would reimburse he still hasn't done so. His replacement, Fabian, was a complete joke. E.g. 1. he said he only spoke French; 2. when asked about our transit back, he said he had no idea and suggested we check out the local bus. Skiing was subcontracted to local guides which were fine


Bonjour Pauline et Fred, Je suis très heureux de prendre un moment aujourd’hui pour vous écrire. Le séjour au Finnmark été exceptionnel. Clément est un excellent guide. Très dévoué, soucieux de rendre l’expérience agréable, Clément est vraiment très talentueux et dévoué. Sa personnalité est agréable, il est à l’écoute de nos besoins et démontre, malgré son jeune âge, un haut niveau de compétences et de savoir-faire. Son enseignement sur recherche de victimes suite à une avalanche est de loin, la meilleure formation que j’ai reçue à ce jour. Les paysages du Finnmark sont exceptionnels, nous avons été particulièrement chanceux pour les conditions météorologiques. Nous avons vraiment eu le loisir d’admirer ces magnifiques paysages de montagnes entre ciel et mer. L’expérience de groupe a aussi été excellente, la chimie entre les participants-es a été fort agréable. Nous avons vraiment passé de bons moments ensemble.  Je vais très certainement voyager avec vous dans le futur, l’expérience a été extrêmement positive. Au plaisir de nouvelles aventures !!! Serge


I was lucky enough to spend 8 days skiing with Fred in Finnmark in May of 2017. The conditions were unusually epic that year— it snowed almost every minute I was there, or so it felt. Even so, you still need quite a bit of expertise to find the right conditions (there's no reliable freeze thaw cycle when it's constantly snowing!) and Fred did not disappoint. It was almost like he was a magician, finding us the perfect snow every single day, even on days when the conditions were tricky. Most guides are good at finding snow, but what made Fred such an outstanding guide was his passion. You could tell that not only did he love to ski, but even moreso, he loved helping other people deepen their passion for skiing. He was so incredibly encouraging, and I definitely improved my technique and confidence tremendously over the course of the week. Add that to the beauty and wonder of Finnmark, the truly magical aspect of kayaking with skis, and it really was the perfect skiing holiday. Also, the food: delicious! I hope I can be lucky enough to ski with Fred again someday.

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