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Ojos Del Salado, Tres Cruces Sur, Llullaillaco, Ascent

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Experience an unforgettable 26 day adventure to the summits of 3 giant peaks of Chle, the Ojos del Salado, Tres Cruces Sur and Llullaillaco with Pake, a UIMLA certified guide.


26 Days

Jan - Mar, Nov, Dec




There are a number of amazing mountains to climb in Chile. And on this mesmerizing 26 day adventure, you will get the chance to climb 3 of the nation’s biggest, the Ojos del Salado (6,893m), Tres Cruces Sur (6,750m) and Llullaillaco (6,739m).

Along with those 3 incredible peaks,  you will also get to climb 3 additional peaks for the purpose of acclimatization. Those peaks include the Redondo Colorado (4,180m), Mount Piedra Pomez (4,880m) and the Mulas Muertas north shoulder (5,015m). That’s 6 amazing peaks in the Chilean Andes on one trip!

When embarking on an adventure of this magnitude, it is crucial that participants have the proper climbing experience. It is also imperative that participants are in excellent physical condition. This trip will be arduous and will have difficult moments. However, the rewards you will get in terms of the spellbinding views and the thrilling experience to reach those views will be truly memorable.

Along with the peaks on this trip, you will also get to visit and observe the beauty of the Puna de Atacama plateau. You will get to see the Santa Rosa lake, Laguna Verde, the villages of Caldera and Taltal, and so much more.

Furthermore, to ensure that you reach all of the summits on this trip’s itinerary, there will be several extra days. The purpose of these extra days is to give you some insurance in case of inclement weather, or other unforeseen circumstances.

Are you an adventurer? Then join me on this 26 day adventure to the top of Chile’s highest peaks. Send me a request and enjoy the views from the summits of the Ojos del Salado, Tres Cruces Sur and Llullaillaco.

I also lead a 17 day expedition to the summit of Argentina’s great Pissis mountain as well.


Day 1: Copiapo airport - village of Caldera

Day 2: Transfer to Santa Rosa Lake (3,700m)

Day 3: Acclimatization climb of Redondo Colorado (4,180m) - transfer to Laguna Verde (4,300m)

Day 4: Laguna Verde

Day 5: Acclimatization climb of mount Piedra Pomez (4,880m) - Laguna Verde

Day 6: Acclimatization climb of Mulas Muertas north shoulder (5,015m) - Laguna Verde

Day 7: Transfer to Atacama Base Camp (5,250m)

Day 8: Portage to Tejos Camp (5,820m) - Base Camp

Day 9: Base Camp

Day 10: Summit of Ojos del Salado (6,893m) - Base Camp

Day 11: Extra Day

Day 12: Transfer to Laguna Verde

Day 13: Transfer to Tres Cruces Base Camp (5,220m)

Day 14: Tres Cruces Sur Camp 1 (5,980m)

Day 15: Summit of Tres Cruces Sur (6,750m) - Camp 1

Day 16: Extra Day

Day 17: Transfer to Taltal village

Day 18: Day in Taltal village

Day 19: Transfer to Zorritas shelter (4,200m)

Day 20: Llullailllaco Camp 1 (5,330m)

Day 21: Llullailllaco Camp 2 (5,550m)

Day 22: Summit of Llullailllaco (6,739m) - Camp 2

Day 23: Extra Day

Day 24: Extra Day

Day 25: Transfer to Caldera village

Day 26: Transfer to Copiapo airport and fly home


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