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Emilie Drinkwater


Mountain Guide-




In 2001, after graduating from St. Lawrence University with a degree in Anthropology and 4 years of NCAA Nordic skiing, I begged my way into a job as a rock climbing guide in NY's Adirondack Mountains. Yes, begged! I had few credentials and little experience but I was determined to be a guide, to be outside, and to share my passion for climbing, skiing, and adventuring with others.

Today I am the 9th American woman and 100th American Mountain Guide to be certified at the highest level of training and credential attainable by a professional mountain guide -- IFMGA (International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations) -- an achievement recognized in more than 20 member countries.
Guiding to me is more than just marching you up and down a peak (but if that's what you want, no problem!). Instead it's a partnership -- an educational and instructional experience in which you come away with a strong set skills and techniques to become proficient and self-sufficient in the mountains. Risk management is my priority but fun, summits, and successful days out are a close second!

Come climb, ski, or adventure with me!

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