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Nikita Uboldi


Mountain Guide-

I was born in 1973. I am a professional mountain guide and a part-time professor. My guests and their safety are at the heart of all my tours. This is why I always closely analyze weather and mountain conditions, as well as the ideal maximum number of participants.

I work hard to keep my clients motivated and help them reach their goals. Ensuring a good group experience is one of the keys to success. I believe that a good spirit up in the mountain and sharing is important to have a good overall experience.

I love spending time with friends in the mountain. If it is in winter, all the better. My favorite region for mountaineering is Chamonix. My favorite mountain? It depends on the season. But if I need to choose one, I would say Eiger mountain. Some of my favorite climbing routes are Apriti Cielo – Osogna TI, the north ridge of the Eiger mountain and the Marinelli channel on skis. In terms of terrain, I can't choose between rock and ice: mixed is the way to go.

My favorite book? Aleph, by Paulo Cohelo. My favorite film? Meet Joe Black. My favorite online sites? Many! www.planetmountain.com, www.up-climbing.com, www.gulliver.it and www.camptocamp.org

Finally, the best way to finish a tour for me is with Pommes Chips Nature and a nice cold beer. I hope you join me in one of my tours soon.

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