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1+ day Rogers Pass Ski Touring in BC, Selkirk Mountains

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+1 Day

Jan - Apr




* Ski the pristine slopes of the Selkirk Mountains.

* Choose from a variety of different types of runs.

* Enjoy the perfect, pristine and untouched snow.


Join me for this epic day of ski touring through Rogers Pass in the beautiful Selkirk Mountains of British Columbia, Canada!

The Selkirk Mountains are a world-renowned ski touring destination and we will take full advantage of that throughout our day. We will have more options than what we will be able to do, so based on your skill and fitness level we will craft the perfect itinerary.

After meeting up in a nearby town the night before to plan our trip, we will head out onto the slopes early the next day and take full advantage of everything they have to offer.

We will ski along the Rogers Pass, through the heart of the mountain range, enjoying large open glaciers, huge alpine bowls and stunning old-growth cedar forests.

There are numerous notches, peaks and passes for us to climb up and ski back down. Some of the classics include Youngs Peak, the Dome Glacier, McGill’s Shoulder and Ursus Glades. Any option we chose will surely be challenging, but rewardingly scenic with pristine snow.

So what are you waiting for? Book now for this thrilling 1+ day ski touring adventure along Rogers Pass in the stunningly scenic Selkirk Mountains of British Columbia!

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