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Expedition in the Ishinca Valley

Expedition in the Ishinca Valley
Expedition in the Ishinca Valley
Expedition in the Ishinca Valley
Expedition in the Ishinca Valley
Expedition in the Ishinca Valley

Located in the Northern Andes, the Cordillera Blanca of Peru is one the world's foremost mountaineering arenas. The breathtaking pyramids of snow and ice that make up 'The Blanca,' as it's respectfully referred to, soar up to 22,200' and contain more than 30 peaks over 18,000' tall. Due to the fact that these grandiose


15 Days





Located in the Northern Andes, the Cordillera Blanca of Peru is one the world’s foremost mountaineering arenas. The breathtaking pyramids of snow and ice that make up ‘The Blanca,’ as it’s respectfully referred to, soar up to 22,200′ and contain more than 30 peaks over 18,000′ tall. Due to the fact that these grandiose mountains are so easy to access, our expeditions to this region enjoy more time climbing in the alpine zone and learning mountaineering skills and less time on the approach to base camp. We will aim to climb Urus (17,900′), Ishinca (18,200′) Tocllaraju (20,000′) and Ranrapalca (20,000′). The ultimate goal of the expedition will be for students to be leading the summit bids on these glaciated peaks and to learn the skills needed to lead similar expeditions on their own.


  • Technical climbing up to ~20,000 feet
  • Emphasis on glacier travel and rescue techniques
  • Snow and alpine ice climbing
  • Leadership skills for outdoor educators

May and June Courses Available

Spots of interest
Starting point

Price includes

    Price details

    • Included:
    • All incountry transportation during expedition (starting from Huaraz)
    • All hotels during the expedition
    • All group climbing gear
    • All meals while in the field
    • Park fees
    • Permit fees
    • Porters
    • Burros/Horses
    • Cooks/Watchmen
    • Not included:
    • Wire transfer fee or PayPal fees
    • Airfare
    • Hotels before/after the course ($840/night)
    • Meals in Lima or Huaraz (plan on $1020/day)
    • Personal gear (listed on the gear list)
    • Bottled beverages
    • Excess baggage charges and airport fees
    • All expenses incurred in the event of early departure or delayed arrival (evacuation fees, rescue, transport, extra hotel nights, etc)
    • Fees associated with college credit or credit transfer


    Day 1:

    Meet in Huaraz (~10,000′) Orientation, Risk Management; Nutrition for Expeditions; Ration Planning; Food Purchasing; Expedition Planning.

    Day 2:

    In Huaraz: acclimatize and prep. High-altitude physiology; Glacier Rigs; Expectations; Risk Management in Developing Nations; Hygiene; Sat Phone Use.

    Day 3:

    In Huaraz: acclimatize and prep. Climb to Lago Churup, ~14,700′. Permitting Issues; Leave No Trace, Geology and Glaciology of the Andes.

    Day 4:

    To Ishinca Valley base camp (~14,300′). Porters, Cooks and Arrieros; Base Camping

    Day 5:

    Skills development day, acclimatize. Knots and Hitches Review and Nomenclature; Ice Axe and Crampons; Glacier Rescue Techniques; Advanced Rap Techniques; Anchor Building; Rescue Options for International Expeditions

    Day 6:

    Acclimatization trek (~16,200′). Leadership Techniques; Picket and Ice Screw Placement; Snow and Ice Anchors; Glaciology for Mountaineers, Rope Team Travel, Advanced Sling Craft; Route Planning Techniques; Time Plans

    Day 7:

    Climb Urus (~17,900′); Instructors role model route finding, technical transitions, rope team leadership and communication, etc.

    Day 8:

    Debrief Urus ascent; skills development day. Route Finding; Rope Team Management/Communication; Advanced Alpine Rappel Techniques

    Day 9:

    Climb to Ishinca high camp (~16,100′). Avalanche Assessment

    Day 10:

    Student lead ascent of Ishinca (~18,200′)

    Day 11:

    Debrief, rest, skills sessions: Short Rope and Short Pitch Technique; Mountain Weather; Advanced Lead Theory

    Day 12:

    Climb to high camp on Tocllaraju (~17,000′)

    Day 13:

    Student led ascent of Tocllaraju.(~19,900′)

    Day 14:

    Rest, reflect, debrief, hike out, traditional Quechua dinner with locals in Pashpa

    Day 15:

    Transfer to Huaraz, debriefs, evaluations, ‘next steps,’ celebration dinner!



    More info

    Certificates of Completion Available:

    Avalanche Field Course

    Companion Rescue

    LNT Trainer (optional)

    SIET Advanced Mountaineering Course Diploma

    Meeting point

    About the guide

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    Mountain Guide



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    What people are saying about this trip



    Well organized &...amazing. An experience that changed my life.


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