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“Gran Paradiso Tour”, 6-day Hut-to-hut trek in the Gran Paradiso National Park

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Follow Fiona, a UIMLA mountain guide, on a spectacular adventure through the Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy hiking during 6 days from hut to hut.


6 Days

Jun - Sep




  • Spend 6 days exploring the stunning Gran Paradiso National Park.
  • Enjoy the dazzling views and the exquisite local cuisine.
  • Discover the unique flora and fauna while hiking through this beautiful place.


Follow me on an incredible adventure exploring the stunning Gran Paradiso National Park. Located in the Italian Alps, this stunning place is perfect for a hiking trip. We’ll spend 6 magical days in this park while enjoying the delicious Italian food in the huts. Follow me!

The Gran Paradiso National Park is one of the most stunning areas of the Alps. Its beautiful and varied landscapes provide visitors with unforgettable experiences. It also offers a wide variety of flora and fauna, such as alpine Ibex, chamois, marmots, mountain hares, foxes, weasels, golden eagles, larches, spruces, and so many other species.

Our itinerary will be as follows. Take into consideration that, based on weather or other conditions, this may change:

Day 1: We’ll depart from Aosta in a taxi towards Valgrisenche and sleep at the Bezzi Hut. Distance: 15 kilometers.

Day 2: Hike towards the Benevolo Hut. Distance: 10 kilometers.

Day 3: Hike up to the Chivaso Hut. Distance: 13 kilometers.

Day 4: Hike towards the Chabod Hut. Distance: 18 kilometers.

Day 5: We’ll hike and spend the last night at the Vittorio Sella Hut. Distance: 16 kilometers.

Day 6: Our hike ends at Cogne, where we’ll take another taxi to Aosta. Distance: 14 kilometers.

Once at the mountain huts, we’ll have some spectacular Italian food waiting for us after the demanding efforts of the day.

So send your request and get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure through the Alps. You’ll love it!

And if you want more adrenaline in the Alps, follow me to hike the Tour of Queyras.

Equipment you will need to bring

Water bottle



Sunscreen, Toiletries, Towel, Individual first aid kit, ID card or passport, Photo camera, Waterproof bag for documentation and money, Cap or hat, Gloves and hat, Waterproof jacket, Waterproof coat for backpack, Fleece, Hiking pants, Hiking boots, Hiking sticks, Shorts, Waterproof pants, Underwear, Flip flops

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